School | |
1995‑08 – 2000‑07 | Elementary school, Max-Träger-Schule |
2000‑08 – 2006‑07 | Realschule (secondary school), Haupt- und Realschule Sportplatzring |
2006-06-23 | Leaving Certificate of Realschule, Average Grade: 2.50 |
2006‑08 – 2008‑07 | Berufsfachschule Technische Assistenz für Informatik (TAI) (vocational school - technical assistance for computer science), Staatliche Gewerbeschule Energietechnik - G 10 |
2008-06-30 | State-certified technical assistant for computer science, Average Grade: 2.00 |
2008‑08 – 2009‑07 | Fachoberschule (FOS) Fachbereich Technik Fachrichtung Elektrotechnik (vocational college - electrical engineering), Staatliche Gewerbeschule Energietechnik - G 10 |
2009-06-29 | Leaving Certificate that grants the right to study at Universities of Applied Sciences, Average Grade: 1.63 |
Studies | |
2009‑09 – 2013‑02 | B.Sc. Applied Computer Science (B-AI), Department of Computer Science, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, 165 CP, Weighted Average Grade: 1.26 |
2013‑03 – 2015‑02 | B.Sc. Media Systems (B-MS), Department of Media Technology, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, 152 CP, Weighted Average Grade: 1.27 |
Internships | |
2004‑08 | Stilke Buch- und Zeitschriftenhandelsgesellschaft GmbH (trading company for books and magazines), salesman |
2005‑02 | Reset Grafische Medien GmbH, digital and print media designer |
2007‑10 – 2007‑11 | Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Department of Informatics[1]'Informatics' is a bad translation for the german word 'Informatik', because the german word means Computer Science and not the different academic field of Informatics. But sadly, the Universität Hamburg decided to use 'Department of Informatics' as its official translation., Universität Hamburg (University of Hamburg), internship and an one-week trial study with the project topic: asymmetric encryption |
Certificates | |
2010‑01‑10 | Certified CAcert Assurer - Certificate (68 KiB) |
2012‑12‑04 | Functional Programming Principles in Scala - Statement of Accomplishment (295 KiB) |
2014‑01‑21 | Principles of Reactive Programming - Statement of Accomplishment (85 KiB) |
Diagram: average grade over time
[2]The error bars until 2009 represent the uncertainty due to the usage of plain integers in repord cards without the common + and - suffixes for ⅓ grade differences. Since 2010 the error bars represent the interval between the best and the worst final grade that is still possible.
Stars are highlighting Leaving Certificates or Certificates of Attendance.

[1] | 'Informatics' is a bad translation for the german word 'Informatik', because the german word means Computer Science and not the different academic field of Informatics. But sadly, the Universität Hamburg decided to use 'Department of Informatics' as its official translation. |
[2] | The error bars until 2009 represent the uncertainty due to the usage of plain integers in repord cards without the common + and - suffixes for ⅓ grade differences. Since 2010 the error bars represent the interval between the best and the worst final grade that is still possible. Stars are highlighting Leaving Certificates or Certificates of Attendance. |
[3] | Red: average grade with P.E.
Green: average grade without P.E. Cyan: GPA 4.0 without P.E. Magenta: GPA 5.0 without P.E. Tip: activate JavaScript to access the data of this diagram interactively. |
Suggestion: enable JavaScript to display footnotes only when needed.