From March to May 2013, I developed a iPhone app for my cousin besides my studies, which was part of a bigger order for one of his customers.

Because I don't have a Mac to develop for iOS devices, my cousin acquired a DragonFireSDK license for me without asking, with which the app was developed then on Windows in C++.

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

With this app, the customers of a consultant for car accidents (the company name and logo are pixelated in the screenshot of the app) can enter accident details at its location and send them directly to their consultant.

Program flow, design and graphics[1]I had to redo the buttons by myself to change their text and to highlight some buttons with green, red and yellow color. of the app were predetermined by a storyboard and a HTML/JavaScript mockup. I implemented these outlines in C++ and adapted them to the technical circumstances.

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

A payment was agreed upon, but the customer sadly backed out of the contract when the app was nearly finished. It worked like wanted, but there were some graphical details, the hosting of the back end and the publication to consider.

Languages C++, SQL, PHP
Technologies DragonFire SDK, SQLite, Base64, E-Mail
Tools Photoshop
IDE Visual Studio 2012
Participants 1

Robin C. Ladiges / Car accident app

German flag